Best Poster Award for Ylauna
Ylauna won the Best Poster Award at the HBHL Graduate Research Day May 2024. When the award density increases, it is a sign of approaching graduation. Congratulations!
Jasmine won a Gairdner Award!
Jasmine presented in Vancouver at the ICAM meeting April 2024 and received the Gairdner award as well as a Gold cash prize. Congratulations!
Double trouble!
Our senior PhD students, Jasmine and Ylauna both won best presentation awards at PRD2023 for their poster and oral.
Congrats Clara!
Clara received funding from the FRQS for her doctoral project. Well done!
Upcoming Win4Science Seminars!
Munter Lab at ADPD2023 in Sweden!
Jasmine and Ylauna presented posters on their latest research at the conference.
New Publication Alert!
Congratulations to Jackie Hsiao for her first author publication in Biochemistry.
Congratulations to Felix Oestereich for his first author publication in Journal of Lipid Research.
Gold medal for the McGill iGEM team!
McGill iGEM won the gold medal at the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition. Albert Nitu, member of our lab, is part of this incredible group of young scientists.
Congratulations to Antonio for receiving the CONACyT award
Antonio will receive funding from the Mexican goverment for the entire duration of his PhD!
Antonio & Jasmine - Faculty of Medicine fellowship!
They are both funded for the 2022-2023 academic year. Congrats!
First in Person FRQNT team meeting!
Congrats Ylauna!
For winning the 3rd place at National 3MT (3 minute thesis) French Competition and the 1st place at McGill 3MT Competition in French.
Lab BBQ 2022!
HBHL fellow Jasmine
Featured here!
Lab retreat in Mont St. Hilaire
In October 2018 together with Castagner’s and Trempe’s labs!
Was fun!
Convocation 2018
Congratulations to Sandra (PhD) and Jackie (BSc Honors)!
Win4Science Forum
A morning of round table discussions to determine challenges and opportunities of McGill's Life Science women!
May 2018
Maple syrup snow candy!
April 2018
March 28th and April 1st 2018
Congratulations to Sandra and Sherilyn! Rhomboid research moves forward....
Success for Sherilyn!
Sherilyn received a CIHR Master's studentship! Wonderful!
Dr. Sandra!
Sandra is our first PhD student to graduate! And that with excellent performance. Chapeau, Sandra, you really earned it!
October 2017
International Proteolysis Society meeting in Banff, Canada. Sandra gave a great talk on the regulation of the rhomboid protease RHBDL4 - congratulations!
July 2017
Congratulations to Felix for a 1 year graduate student fellowship from Healthy Brain for Healthy Lives!
08. May - 09. May 2017
International VASCULAR DEMENTIA symposium in Montreal! Great panel of invited speakers!
28. March - 02. April 2017
The MUNTER LAB at the AD/PD CONFERENCE in Vienna, Austria!
This conference is one of the most important international basic science meetings on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease with over 3,000 participants.
25. August 2016
Sandra has found that APP is cleaved by the rhomboid protease RHBDL4. But why?
1. August 2016
Congratulations to Felix for competing successfully again for an internal studentship award of the McGill's Faculty of Medicine!
2. October 2015
Congratulations to Sandra and Felix for awards of best oral presentations at the Pharmacology Research Day!
15. April 2015
Congratulations to Felix for his first paper!
Biochemistry has accepted our manuscript Oestereich et al. - we are showing that hydrophilic amino acids of the APP transmembrane sequence influence amyloid beta production.